
nice to meet you!

My name is Lakesha B. Johnson.  I am a the founder of the Gospel Soup Cafe!

I created this organization with a space for community refuge in mind. Not the kind of refuge you normally think of that people seek in hard times, but the kind of refuge available for people on all levels of life’s journey… The journey can be vicious at times but how much easier would it be having a network of supporters working together as a team.

Here, you will find programs, videos and community forums where we will all share life’s journey of trials, triumphs and lessons learned along the way! I hope you become a life time member of this community and join in as an active participant in whatever capacity is pleasing to your soul..

Call me a foolish dreamer but I am believing that together we will change the world into a better place by taking what the devil meant for evil and using it for good!

Let’s Go!